Heloo WiredHutters. In case you haven’t noticed, I have recently added a RSS Subscription Form off to the right. The reason for this is because I realized that it is probably very annoying for readers to keep checking back to see if new content has been posted. My output rate of articles is approximately once per week, give or take. But I cannot forever guarantee that consistency because of life’s demands.
So if you prefer to just receive updates by email, the RSS Subscription Form to the right will come in handy. Every time a new article is posted, you will receive an email notification of this within a day. If you want to subscribe through a feed reader, simply click on the “Subscribe RSS” text next to the very cool RSS icon (yes, I spent hours looking for that!). *The RSS Feed can now be found up top on the navigation bar.*
Also, I am running out of topics to write about! Well, not quite, but that day will come. Just to give my readers a little sneak preview, I have planned upcoming articles on some software, Linux, Android, Windows tips, and maybe a little programming. So if you have anything in mind, specific or vague, but just anything, you would like me to write about, feel free to spill your guts in the comments.
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